RIHHA is 501(C)(3) Non Profit - Tax Exempt organization -(EIN- 82-4659274)


What is a Life Coach?

To compete as a world-class athlete, you need the experience, enthusiastic support, objective perspective and insight of a coach. This is just as true for CEOs, entrepreneurs, business leaders, executives and business professionals. A life coach is someone professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results.

What does a life coach do?

A life coach encourages and counsels clients on a range of professional and personal issues. Life coaching is distinct from advice, consulting, counseling, mentoring and therapy. The coaching process takes on specific professional projects, personal goals and transitions by analyzing the current situation, identifying existing and potential challenges and obstacles and devising a plan of action designed to achieve specific outcomes.

The life coach/client relationship is a creative partnership which seeks to:

  • Identify, clarify and create a vision for what the client wants
  • Use coach’s expertise to modify goals as needed
  • Encourage client’s self-discovery
  • Nurture and evoke strategies and a plan of action based on what fits best with the client’s goals, personality and vision
  • Foster client accountability to increase productivity

These aspects of the process all work together to allow the client to maximize his or her potential, and research shows that coaching and training is a far more potent combination than training alone. In fact, training alone can increase productivity by 22.4%, but when combined with weekly life coaching, productivity is boosted by 88%.

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RIHHA is 501(C)(3) Non Profit - Tax Exempt organization -(EIN- 82-4659274)

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